Membership Meetings

We have a Monthly Membership Meeting where the club provides dinner, a speaker and time for fellowship.

Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month, except July when we attend the ITMA State Ride and December when we host our Annual Christmas Party. Members are encouraged to attend monthly meetings where there are opportunities to cast votes for a variety of initiatives that steer the direction of the club.


January 16thIdaho Pizza Co. 405 E. Fairview Ave.
February 20th - Idaho Pizza Co. 405 E. Fairview Ave.
March 20th - RG3 Factory 175 N Benjamin Ln.
April 17th - Carl's Cycle Sales 5550 W. State St.
May 15th - Location TBD
June 19th - Location TBD
July - ITMA State Ride
August 21st - RG3 Factory 175 N Benjamin Ln.
September 18th - Carl's Cycle Sales 5550 W. State St.
October 16thLocation TBD
November 20th - Location TBD
December - Annual Christmas Party